Amazing Avengers assemble,
Stopping bad guys like Agent Zero
Black widow barely playing with her bat,
With batman bashing bears near the bar.
Captain America carries a cool shield,
Captain Underpants cares about his cape.
DeadPool is definitely deadly.
Emma Frost fights by eating enemies!
Electra ending the war invading enemies.
Flash flew too fast was too furious to fight.
Green Lantern wears a green mask, While
Ghostrider gladly greets his green garden.
Hawkeye has hazy eyes hazy dazy crazy lies.
Hulk’s muscles green and hefty, hulky bulky through the sky.
Ice man insulating inside the igloo,
It’s ice cold and covered with mildew
Justice League fights Joker while jumping jetpacks fly
Loki is lost and laughing at an alien,
Learning how to defeat Thor with a spell.
Mockingbird magicly mashes mentally.
Psylocke and Panther fighting on Pluto.
QuickSilver is as quick as Flash,
And Quasar is quiet like a little bat.
Spiderman swings slowly and Superman flies swiftly.
She Hulk is a stealer she stole a Samsung.
Thor wants a tattoo right near his toes,
And Tony wants to talk with Thor Girl he goes.
Ultron was trying to stop the universe,
By using the utensil and unicycle which was unstoppable.
X-men died and had a long X-ray
Yellow power ranger tries to save the day,
But instead the Avengers destroy the rays.
Zatanna is a magician who can do anything,
She was part of Young Justice and Batman and his team.
I picked this rap because our school topic was superheros
last term